API3 DAO Tracker

API3 DAO Tracker

API3 DAO has 7026 current members and 96 completed proposals

API3 Staking Rewards

Current Epoch
Epoch #2848
APR: 40.5%
Epoch Rewards: 0.7767%
2024, Aug 01 00:35
Previous Epoch
Epoch #2847
APR: 41.5%
Epoch Rewards: 0.7959%
Staked at the end of epoch: 65,593,980
522,056 API3 tokens minted
2024, Jul 25 00:35
Previous Epoch
Epoch #2846
APR: 42.5%
Epoch Rewards: 0.8151%
Staked at the end of epoch: 64,977,618
529,612 API3 tokens minted
2024, Jul 18 04:53

API3 Token Supply

Locked by governance

9,583,873 tokens

Locked vestings

0 tokens

Locked rewards

11,535,848 tokens

Time locked

11,535,848 tokens
API3 Smart Contracts
Please do not send money to these contracts
and just use the DAO UI to deposit/stake/vote
API3 Circulating Supply
Total Locked
21,119,721 tokens
Total Staked
66,228,265 tokens
Staking Target
54,912,059 tokens
DAO staking target is reached, so APR will decrease by 1% for the next epochs until APR reaches 2.5%