API3 DAO Proposal
API3 DAO BD-API Team Proposal
API3 DAO Executed Proposal
Transfer 111,363 USDC to
votes supported this proposal
Nobody voted against
At the time of the proposal DAO had 44,360,420 shares staked, 0 shares are required for this proposal to be accepted
Spent 0.1790435 ETH in fees, Est $148.24
- 0xcdb49b0be40e3605a098e5c97005910cc9f2106adelegateproposervoterGas Used: 210087 Gas Price: 53 GWei, Est. $33.66
- mojiji.eth0x45d4ad29e62276b43e7f8670c1fa0df8a195ac69delegatevoterSupported with 8,253 tokensGas Used: 78864 Gas Price: 30 GWei, Est. $5.97
- mojiji.eth0x45d4ad29e62276b43e7f8670c1fa0df8a195ac69delegatevoterSupported with 8,253 tokensGas Used: 101240 Gas Price: 27 GWei, Est. $6.89
- headroom.eth0xb202608282d55835e89a65a3f06bbacf6a91a49ddelegatevoterSupported with 124,367 tokensGas Used: 101240 Gas Price: 25 GWei, Est. $6.38
- moonman.eth0xf6092c8af9f00a7d611f0a437997a98e28215c3bdelegatevoterSupported with 170,776 tokensGas Used: 112650 Gas Price: 27 GWei, Est. $7.67
- 0x972708fc31269cda00849015ea3c3b648c145d42delegatevoterSupported with 42,000 tokensGas Used: 101240 Gas Price: 25 GWei, Est. $6.38
- marco99.eth0xebb347005ce6fee6b2c8d3e554f279d97cdc8dc9delegatevoterSupported with 52,000 tokensGas Used: 101240 Gas Price: 34 GWei, Est. $8.99
- 0xe0d6480ae69e7c4928a3f45e6cf5651e52741ec0delegateproposervoterSupported with 6,250,000 tokensGas Used: 101240 Gas Price: 19 GWei, Est. $5.16
- 0xb09d71046337859ac165b8628606bf6b51fbed18delegatedelegatorvoterunstakingSupported with 725,133 tokensGas Used: 101240 Gas Price: 30 GWei, Est. $7.76
- 0x11903651bf07ed6a5fc5e39cefed810187717d4edelegatevoterSupported with 893 tokensGas Used: 101240 Gas Price: 23 GWei, Est. $5.95
- 0xfe2e4d5957e3c3b5bcf8aa54335fe00c15741cd2voterSupported with 276 tokensGas Used: 101240 Gas Price: 24 GWei, Est. $6.21
- 0x5006a6aace95f09489d56d3017d117b0755819d7voterSupported with 49 tokensGas Used: 105512 Gas Price: 28 GWei, Est. $7.51
- 0x3146f17d9bef9dadd00e61c87cabe6f9bef79b2adelegatedelegatorproposervoterSupported with 1,000,000 tokensGas Used: 473402 Gas Price: 33 GWei, Est. $39.71
- 0x3146f17d9bef9dadd00e61c87cabe6f9bef79b2adelegatedelegatorproposervoterGas Used: 473402 Gas Price: 33 GWei, Est. $39.71