API3 DAO Proposal
Ecosystem Proposal Cycle #4: June - August 2023
API3 DAO Executed Proposal
votes supported this proposal
Nobody voted against
At the time of the proposal DAO had 41,171,369 shares staked, 6,175,705 shares are required for this proposal to be accepted
Spent 0.1311355 ETH in fees, Est $40.85
- 0xf57b7c0025444c069dbfe12417729f22a13a399bproposervoterGas Used: 220248 Gas Price: 22 GWei, Est. $8.89
- beni.eth0x3154b23a71612903b64e64558be7c362ee9e127bdelegatevoterSupported with 23,676 tokensGas Used: 105222 Gas Price: 14 GWei, Est. $2.73
- 0x239b3f8a8690ef3be594cdfe965b08cf378b08b4delegatevoterSupported with 1 tokensGas Used: 101252 Gas Price: 14 GWei, Est. $2.66
- 0xac5f6ad16b9ba91d652faec3093e49be689fe7a5voterSupported with 10,061 tokensGas Used: 101252 Gas Price: 14 GWei, Est. $2.56
- bbenligiray.eth0x5846711b4b7485392c1f0feaec203aa889071717delegateproposervoterSupported with 6,153,923 tokensGas Used: 105222 Gas Price: 14 GWei, Est. $2.58
- 0xa89456d9a61ae6623b4e3fa236c9625ea3a5602adelegatorvoterSupported with 236 tokensGas Used: 105222 Gas Price: 14 GWei, Est. $2.66
- midhav.eth0x1cccb306a2bfade9860a33689551b38ccc6eb66edelegateproposervoterSupported with 1,941,486 tokensGas Used: 105222 Gas Price: 14 GWei, Est. $2.70
- 0xf57b7c0025444c069dbfe12417729f22a13a399bproposervoterSupported with 457,193 tokensGas Used: 467715 Gas Price: 19 GWei, Est. $16.07
- 0xf57b7c0025444c069dbfe12417729f22a13a399bproposervoterGas Used: 467715 Gas Price: 19 GWei, Est. $16.07