API3 DAO Proposal
Independent monitoring team, Sept 1st, 2023 - Nov 30th, 2023
API3 DAO Executed Proposal
votes supported this proposal
Nobody voted against
At the time of the proposal DAO had 41,017,912 shares staked, 6,152,686 shares are required for this proposal to be accepted
Spent 0.1702336 ETH in fees, Est $73.59
- 0xbd94c3f81cc8d5a993908270103639c8a0e9f0aavoterGas Used: 210099 Gas Price: 13 GWei, Est. $4.61
- 0x1ed4800a62fbe3a4dc09d32a800ed43bd87b5d20delegatedelegatorproposervoterSupported with 4,451,755 tokensGas Used: 122166 Gas Price: 25 GWei, Est. $5.08
- 0xa89456d9a61ae6623b4e3fa236c9625ea3a5602adelegatorvoterSupported with 236 tokensGas Used: 105222 Gas Price: 16 GWei, Est. $2.93
- 0xe987452545a097ef683d920bca7ec7a708fd1ca8delegatevoterSupported with 79,473 tokensGas Used: 105222 Gas Price: 45 GWei, Est. $8.11
- 0x579d7a028634b9d95f3382ac2a20c9f5bcc99976voterSupported with 438,316 tokensGas Used: 128529 Gas Price: 18 GWei, Est. $3.98
- bbenligiray.eth0x5846711b4b7485392c1f0feaec203aa889071717delegateproposervoterSupported with 6,251,508 tokensGas Used: 105222 Gas Price: 12 GWei, Est. $2.21
- 0x1251c6528e8ee095cdb7cb6284860f3290756cdedelegateproposervoterSupported with 55,122 tokensGas Used: 462938 Gas Price: 30 GWei, Est. $23.34
- 0x1251c6528e8ee095cdb7cb6284860f3290756cdedelegateproposervoterGas Used: 462938 Gas Price: 30 GWei, Est. $23.34